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What are the benefits of microneedling?

Posted by Colleen Cartier, MN, NP on 1 March 2021
What are the benefits of microneedling?

As we age and are exposed to environmental elements, many things can influence our skin’s appearance.  Acne scarring that may have started in our teen years can be a daily reminder of how our skin’s appearance has changed and is left with an uneven texture.  As much fun as it is to enjoy the warm weather and being outside, sun damage and hyperpigmention will leave our skin tone uneven.  Finally, fine lines and wrinkles may show our aging process.

Will microneedling help these causes?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure using a device with many small, sterile needles.  These create micro injuries allowing more collagen production to create a smoother appearance.  With this device, we can go to a deeper level to provide better results.  The stamp or roller that a client may be able to purchase will not go as deep.    We use a topical numbing cream so that the microneedling is a comfortable procedure. 

Is there downtime ?

This is a very minimally invasive procedure.  There will be some redness, like a sunburn for the first day.  After that, the skin may be slightly flaky for a couple of day.  A hyaluronic acid serum or an excellent moisturizer followed by a sunscreen will be essential in the days following microneedling.

How many treatments will I need to see results? 

Some people may see results after their first treatment.  Optimal results are achieved after 3 treatments.  

Book a consultation or contact our nurse practitioners to further discuss treatment options.

Author:Colleen Cartier, MN, NP
About: Owner of Enhanced Medical Aesthetics

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